Terms or Ideas to Learn  

terms for Daniel and TOT Box 19.2; 422-429; 475-477; Box 30.3; 518-527

Apocalyptic literature 422-429

  • What is the Day of Yahweh, especially as described in Amos?
  • The textbook identifies seven common features of Apocalyptic literature. Describe three.
  • "Prophecy and apocalyptic literature also share ways of expressing the concept of revelation." Explain.
  • What apocalyptic concepts came from the Persian religious movement called Zoroastrianism?
  • Explain the fascination of apocalypticism for readers of later eras.
  • Explain apocalyptic features of either Zechariah or Malachi.
  • Box 26.3: Who experiences or "receives" the apocalypse (revelation) in 2 Esdras, and what are some of its features?

Development of Beliefs in the Afterlife (review) 475-477

  • What was a "standard idiom for death" in ancient Israel?
  • What are David's words at the death of his son by Bathsheba?
  • What is Sheol like?
  • What do prohibitions against necromancy in the bible suggest to us?
  • Describe the "dualism of the philosopher Plato." What Jewish book might have been influenced by it?
  • What about the belief in "bodily resurrection of the dead" does the book find significant?

Daniel 518-527

  • Plot motifs in Daniel books 1-6 are compared to those in what other books? Why?
  • How should Jews behave under foreign rule, according to Daniel?
  • What aspects of Daniel 1-6 show "how God will protect his faithful followers"?
  • According to the text, what is the writing on the wall, and who can read it?
  • Describe the plot of Susannah and its moral.
  • What "earlier biblical material" with "mythological tone" does Daniel 7-12 draw from?
  • What concept "is first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible here"?

Essay (choose one):

  • Beliefs that the end time was immanent inform most of latest literature in the bible. You probably don't remember the beginning of the millennium, but as this clip suggests, those beliefs were very commmon then. In your opinion, what might cause such beliefs?
  • As this clip suggests, when there are multiple belief systems in the world, it's hard to know who's right, and that uncertainty fed apocalyptic beliefs that God would save the righteous and punish those who were wrong. In your opinion, would knowing whose religion is right improve life? Why or Why not?