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The Eight Stages of the Disappearance of God

  1. Moses sees God at Sinai.
  2. Moses, the one man who has seen God, wears a veil.
  3. God tells Moses, “I shall hide my face from the Israelites.”
  4. The last time God is said to be revealed to a human: the prophet Samuel
  5. The last time God is said to have appeared to a human: King Solomon
  6. The last public miracle: divine fire for Elijah at Mount Carmel; followed by God’s refusal to appear to Elijah at Horeb/Sinai
  7. The last personal miracle: The shadow reverses before Isaiah and Hezekiah
  8. God is not mentioned in Esther.29


From The Disappearance of God (Richard Elliot Friedman) 1995


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