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Topic/ Reading Links/ Addl. Reading Deadline


Wessex Poems/ Poems of the Past and Present

The Temporary, The All; The Hap; Neutral Tones; Ditty; San Sebastion; Her Death & After; The Sign-Seeker; The Ivy-Wife; A Meeting with Despair; Middle-Age Enthusiasms; The Impercipient; Heiress & Architect; I look into my glass; Shelly's Skylark; On an Invitation to the United States; I Said to Love; God-Forgotten; Mute Opinion; The Well-Beloved; A Broken Apointment; The PUzzled Game-Birds; The Darkling Thrush; In Tenebris I - III; Memory and I




Satires of Circumstance (continued)

Poems of 1912-1913 (all); Satires of Circumstance (all)


Time's Laughingstocks

A trampwoman's tragedy, The Dead Man Walking; 1967; In a Cathedral City; At Waking; In the Vaulted way; The End of the Episode; The Sigh; In the Night she Came; He Abjures Love; Let Me Enjoy; Former Beauties; The Christening; A Dream Question; By the Barrows; New Year's Eve; God's Education; George Meredith

Satires of Circumstance, Lyrics & Reveries

In Front of the Landscape; Channel Firing; the Convergence of the Twain; After the Visit, The Face at the Casement, Ah, Are you Digging on My Grave; A Singer Asleep


Moments of Vision/ Late Lyrics

We sat at the window; In a Museum; Before Knowledge; The wind Blew Words; His Heart; The occultation; Life Laughs Onward; The Wound; The Photograph; The figure in the Scene; Why did I Sketch; Conjecture; The Musical Box; A thought in Two Moods; The Caged Goldfinch; The Five Students; During Wind and Rain; In a Waiting Room

On the Belgian Expatriation; An appeal To America on Behalf of...; In Time of The Breaking and Nations; Then and Now; I looked up from My Writing; The Coming of the End



Late Lyrics and Earlier

Apology (p. 556); Epeisodia; A jog-Trot Pair; At a House in Hampstead; A Wet August; The Strange House and there awas a great Calm (588); The Fallow Deer at the Lonely House; The Self-same song; A wife comes back; On the way; If you had known; After a Romantic Day; He follows himself; The Dream is - Which; At the Dinner Table; Last Words to a Dumb Friend; On a Discovered Curl of Hair; The Chosen; In a London Flat; The Color; Surview

   Last day to drop course with a W

(Take home Midterm given out)

Human Shows

Waiting Both; Bird-Scene at a Rural Dwelling; Circus-Rider to Ringmaster; When Dead; Ten Years Since; A night of Questionings; Snow in the Suburbs; Two Lips; Nobody Comes; The Absolute Explains; The Mock Wife; The Aerolite; Horses Abroad; To a Sea-Cliff; Lady Vi; Popular Personage at Home; Epitaph on a Pessimist; Bags of Meat; Six Boards; Compassion; Why She Moved House; Why do I

Winter Words

New Dawn's Business; I am the One; A Wish for Unconsciousness; The Bad Example; To Louisa in the Lane; Throwing a Tree; Lying Awake; The Lady in the Furs; So Various; The Mongrel; Squire Hooper; He never expected much; The Aged Newspaper Soliloquizes; Dead 'Wessex' the Dog to the Household; We are Getting to the End; He Resolves to Say No More



Essay: “As It Seemed to Us” (Forewords and Afterwords). Poems: “The Letter,” “Taller Today,” “The Secret Agent,” “No Change of Place,” “Venus Will Now Say a Few Words,” “1929,” ‘The Question,” “Five Songs,” “Consider,” “The Wanderer,” “Have a Good Time,” “Ode,” “The Witnesses," "Letter to Lord Byron."

Electronic Reserves Link

Reserves: How to Connect from Off Campus

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Midterm due
Essays:  “Psychology and Art Today,” (English Auden). "Introduction to 'The Poet’s Tongue'" (English Auden). Poems: “Sir, No Man’s Enemy, Forgiving All,” “In Memory of Sigmund Freud,” “In Memory of W. B. Yeats,” “Passage Moralise,” “Our Hunting Fathers,” “As I Walked Out One Evening,” “Miss Gee,” “Victor,” “Through the Looking Glass,” “Who’s Who,” “On This Island,” “Twelve Songs,” “Dover,” “Death’s Echo,” “Danse Macabre,” “Lullaby,” “Spain 1937,” “Sonnets from China.” Electronic Reserves Link Paper 1 Due
Essay: “Balaam and His Ass” (Dyer's Hand). Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Poem: The Sea and the Mirror.

MIT's E-text of The Tempest

Electronic Reserves Link

Essays: from Modern Canterbury Pilgrims, (handout). “Soren Kierkegaard,” (Forewords and Afterwords). “Postscript: Christianity and Art” (Dyer's Hand). Poems: For the Time Being, “Law Like Love,” “The Unknown Citizen,” “They,” “The Riddle,” “Heavy Date,” “Another Time,” “Sept. 1, 1939,” “Lady Weeping at the Crossroads,” “The Dark Years,” “The Quest,” “Kairos and Logos,” “Alone,” “Leap Before You Look,” “If I Could Tell You,” “In Sickness and in Health,” “Mundus et Infans,” “Under Which Lyre.” Electronic Reserves Link   

Distribute Final Exam; Paper 2 Due

Essays: “Making, Knowing, and Judging,” (Dyer's Hand)“The Virgin and the Dynamo" (Dyer's Hand). Poems: “In Praise of Limestone,” “Bucolics,” “Horae Canonicae,” “Their Lonely Betters,” “The More Loving One,” “Precious Five,” “The Shield of Achilles,” “Homage to Clio,” “The Love Feast,” “Numbers and Faces,” “Goodbye to the Mezzogiorno,” “Five Songs,” “First Things First,” “Nocturne,” “Memorial for the City,” “Secondary Epic.”

Electronic Reserves Link  

Final Exam Due


  • "Reflections in a Forest" David Cathcart
  • "Friday's Child" Chris Pruitt
  • "A Change of Air" Shane Elliott
  • "Bestiaries Are Out" Stephen Kirbach
  • "In Due Season" Craig Buchner
  • "River Profile" Eric Hendrix
  • "A New Year Greeting" Charles Corriher
  • "Aubade" Myla Harwood
  • "Thank You Fog" Brad McNeil
  • "Talking to Dogs" Laura Jones
  • "Talking to Myself" John Malzone
  • "Thanksgiving for a Habitat" Kassie Morgan

Essays: “Words and the Word,” (Secondary Worlds) “Today’s Poet.” (handout). Poems: “Dame Kind,” “Thanksgiving for a Habitat,” “Et in Arcadia Ego,” “On the Circuit,” “Whitsunday in Kirchstetten,” “City Without Walls,” “Amor Loci,” “Bird Language,” “Ode to Terminus,” “Doggerel by a Senior Citizen,” “Talking to Dogs,” “Talking to Myself,” “Thank You Fog,” “Aubade,” “A Thanksgiving,” “A Lullaby,” “Epithalamium,” “Since.”

Electronic Reserves Link